The Birth of The Life Wife

The Birth of The Life Wife

Let me take you back to where it all started - the ideas that sparked The Life Wife.

First up, there I was watching friends struggle with nannies and au pairs. Obviously they were great at looking after the children, but not so hot when it came to the life logistics for anything else. They tended to be reactive, rather than proactive, needing a lot of guidance.

Secondly, I remember my fabulous Mum uttering the words “It’s the thinking, not the doing, that I find tiring!”. So simply put. So true. We’ve all been there!

Roll on 2020 and the arrival of Covid-19!

My friends fell into two camps. Some were furloughed, while others went into full-on overload. Their entire support network disappeared overnight. The nannies, gardeners, cleaners, grocery deliveries, ironing services. Everything they needed to make their world function, while their employers still expected business as usual. After the daily grind, chores and home schooling, there wasn’t always much left to give.

I went walking with a friend one summer’s evening (socially distanced of course) and I mentioned it to her. “What if there was someone who could do the thinking, the doing, or both, for the things that will always need doing in ‘life’?”, she said.

Gift ideas, meal planning, shopping, household bills

The stuff that always needs to be done. That needs planning and organisation. That too often slips to the bottom of the pile, intentionally or not.

Problem solving attitude

My life has been spent in customer service, with a good part of that in service recovery. Fixing problems, often before my customers even knew they were any. I was good at it and enjoyed it. 

What if I could be that person, I thought. The one that does the thinking and doing for busy parents like me, so they don’t have to.

I feel good, helping people feel good.

My destiny was to be The Life Wife.

I've let me pure passion shape my business. Take a look around. Let me know what you think...

Karin Timothy, The Life Wife, 
